3 Easy Ways to Make a One-Time Gift
With StrikeForce 421, you can rest assured that 100% of your gift goes directly to grant finalists. For your convenience, there are three ways you can make a one-time gift.
1. Fund to Fund Transfer
If you have an NCF Giving Fund, it’s easy to make a transfer directly from your Giving Fund!
- Sign in to your Giving Fund and click on the “Transfer” menu option.
- Enter the full fund name, “The Strikeforce421 Fund” and fund number, “1082615”, and then proceed to complete the rest of the form.
- Click “Request Transfer” to submit the form.
- If you need assistance making a transfer, logging in to your fund, or would like more information about NCF Giving Funds, please contact the StrikeForce 421 Treasurer, Laurie Farquhar: lfarquhar@ncfgiving.com.
2. Credit card or e-Check
Online gifts to StrikeForce 421 are possible thanks to our strategic partner, NCF South Florida. To give online with a credit card or e-check, you will be redirected to our secure giving platform, hosted by NCF South Florida.
Click the “Give Now” button below to make a one-time gift online.
3. Physical check
Pledges can also be made with a physical check. Checks should be made payable to: StrikeForce 421, Inc.
Please mail your check to:
2845 NE 9th Street
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304
is a strategic partner of StrikeForce421.