StrikeForce 421 Pledge Partner Commitment

As a partner, I support the stated purpose of StrikeForce 421, a 501(c)3 Christ-centered organization, which will award financial grants to selected Christian non-profit ministries located in South Florida, serving those in need, and proclaiming the gospel. 

As a partner, I pledge a minimum of $1000 yearly, for so long as I am a partner, by paying either a lump sum by April 15 each year, or alternatively, in four installments of $250 due on the 15th of February, April, June and September of the current calendar year. I understand that if I make my donation payment by credit card, StrikeForce 421 will be charged a 3% transaction fee - I have the option to cover this fee by pledging $1,025.00 annually or $257.50 quarterly. I understand my payment is tax deductible and non-refundable. 

As a partner, I recognize that I can participate in StrikeForce 421 by committing to prayer, by going on site visits, and by attending partnership meetings in the Spring and Fall. As a partner, I agree that the SF421 Board of Trustees is solely responsible for the awarding of grants, based upon the careful review of grant applications and site visit reports submitted by the partners. 

Your StrikeForce 421 partnership becomes effective upon receipt of your first partner contribution.

Pledges can be made 3 ways.

1. Fund to Fund Transfer

If you have an NCF Giving Fund, it’s easy to make a transfer directly from your Giving Fund!

      • Sign in to your Giving Fund and click on the “Transfer” menu option.
      • Enter the full fund name, “The Strikeforce421 Fund” and fund number, “1082615”, and then proceed to complete the rest of the form.
      • Click “Request Transfer” to submit the form.
      • If you need assistance making a transfer, logging in to your fund, or would like more information about NCF Giving Funds, please contact the StrikeForce 421 Treasurer, Laurie Farquhar:

2. Credit card or e-Check

Online gifts to StrikeForce 421 are possible thanks to our strategic partner, NCF South Florida. To give online with a credit card or e-check, you will be redirected to our secure giving platform, hosted by NCF South Florida. If you choose to make your grant with a credit card, you can choose to make an annual gift of $1,025.00 (inclusive of credit card transaction fee), or a gift in 4 equal installments of $257.50 (inclusive of credit card transaction fee). Click the “Pledge Now” button below to make your pledge online.

3. Physical check

Pledges can also be made with a physical check. Checks should be made payable to: StrikeForce 421, Inc.

Please mail your check to:

2845 NE 9th Street
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304

The National Christian Foundation
is a strategic partner of StrikeForce421.
The National Christian Foundation
is a strategic partner of StrikeForce421.